In partnership with:

Diversity in Design logo

COMMA logo

Formation: The Design Mentorship Collaborative

AFO, Diversity in Design, and COMMA, are collaborating on a paid mentorship program for college level Black, Indigenous, and students of color studying design degrees in Portland.

The program, called Formation, will match up local college juniors and seniors of color studying design with established design professionals of color (graphic, interior, product, architecture, you name it – any form of design that shapes and influences the environment and allows us to experience the visual, audible, tactile, emotional, and physical space around us). Our goal is to help college students build relationships and their professional network so they can thrive in the design industry once they’ve graduated.

The program is planned to run as a pilot in fall of 2024. Student mentees and professional mentors will get paid a stipend for their participation.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Why be a part of this exciting opportunity to build diversity in our profession? By sponsoring our program, you are:

  • Investing in your community to create a stronger and more diverse future workforce.
  • Granted access to recruitment of top diverse talent and receive brand awareness.
  • Increasing your staff recruitment and retention by showing authentic engagement in your community.
  • Fulfilling a part of your DEI focus and being able to use your involvement to hit your corporate social responsibility metrics.
  • Receiving level-specific benefits including event tickets, logo placement on banners, websites, and program information, presentation opportunities and more.

Help us make this program a reality!

Make an online donation
Request an invoice

We welcome individual contributions of any amount in addition to corporate sponsorships.

Collaboration – $5,000
Leadership – $2,500
Innovation – $1,000
Creativity – $500

Make an online donation
Request an invoice

Become a Sponsor

Payment Questions?

Candice Agahan
Education Program Manager

Program Questions?

Tejara Burt
Executive Director, Diversity in Design